Celebration is in the air at St Giles this month, so please mark your calendars and why not bring a friend along to one of our special services?
1 September | St Giles Day | Patronal Festival
We remember our patron at the start of the month with a celebratory Choral Eucharist at 11am.
22 September | LLM Licensing | 11am
Join us to celebrate Wil James' licensing as a lay minister. For those who aren't familiar with the title, lay ministers serve alongside the ordained clergy, providing leadership, teaching and pastoral care. Wil has completed three years of training to reach this point and is excited to begin the next chapter of his ministry here at St Giles.
He will lead a special service of Choral Mattins at 11am, after which everyone is invited to a Bring & Share Lunch. Please drop a line to the Rector to let him know what you are planning to bring so we can coordinate catering.
22 September | Year for Prayer - Guest Preacher | 6.30pm
Our programme of guest preachers marking the Year for Prayer resumes in September, when we are honoured to be visited by the gifted liturgist The Right Reverend Graham Kings, former Bishop of Sherbourne, who will speak on the theme of Writing Prayers at Evensong on 22 September.Â
Graham studied at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Utrecht and from 2015-18 was an Honorary Fellow of Durham University. He was founding Director of the Henry Martyn Centre, now the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide; Vicar of St Mary’s Church, Islington, London and Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion. He served on the Liturgical Commissions of the Anglican Church of Kenya and of the Church of England. In 2019, the Archbishop of Canterbury awarded him the Cross of St Augustine, for services to the Anglican Communion.
25 September | Compline by Candlelight | 6pm
Wednesday evening Compline resumes at the end of the month. If you work around St Giles or are in the area, drop in for a short reflective service of prayer and plainsong.
29 September | Michaelmas Choral Evensong and Party | 6.30pm
On the following Sunday, 29 September, we will mark Jonathan Bunney's 20th Anniversary as Director of Music with a service of Choral Evensong at 6.30pm. Few can have failed to notice the enormous contribution Jonathan's musical leadership makes to our community at St Giles and this is a wonderful opportunity to thank him for his commitment to the parish.Â
As the choir will be on tour in Wales during our patronal celebrations at the start of the month, this will also be an opportuity for a Parish Party to mark Michaelmas. Everyone is warmly invited to attend!