St Giles in-the-Fields has been a transformational Christian presence at one of the great crossroads of London for over nine hundred years. Now the church is at a crossroads of its own. The day-to-day income of the church no longer covers the costs of our ministry which today exceeds £1,000 per day. St Giles in-the-Fields receives no government funding. We rely on voluntary donations from generous supporters like you to maintain our historic buildings, organ and bells, to finance our music, liturgy and worship and continue our charitable outreach.
We use a safe and secure online giving platform called Parish Giving to process donations. Please click the button below left to made a one-off or regular donation. Alternatively, you can give via Paypal (particularly suitable for overseas donations) by using the button below right.
A Ministry of Presence
By making a regular donation to support the work of St Giles-in-the-Fields, you will help to maintain our ministry of presence:
In Worship – allowing more people to encounter God through the liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer and the words of the King James Bible.
In Service – helping to meet the rising costs of offering our buildings and facilities for use by charities and good causes.
In Song – as we seek to maintain our choral tradition, historic organ and bells.
In the City – helping us to keep our buildings open, clean and comfortable as a place of prayer and sanctuary for all.
It costs £1,000 per day to cover the cost of our current activities

Support our Presence in Song
Choral and organ music is central to the life of our church. Recent research shows that over half the people who attend Choral Evensong across the country have had some experience singing in choirs. Proof of the importance of investing in our choral tradition!
It costs over £1,000 a week to fund our current music ministry and maintain our historic organ. Led by an experienced Director of Music, Sunday morning services are enriched by the talents of the St Giles Quartet. Our voluntary choir benefits from tuition and fellowship, singing at Choral Evensong every Sunday and Choral Compline on weekdays in term time. With your support we can maintain and grow our musical heritage here at St Giles-in-the-Fields.
£1,050 per week to fund our music ministry
£875 per week for music at Sunday services
£175 per week for music at weekday services
Support our Presence in the City
Founded in 1101 as a leper hospital, our present building is the third place of worship on this site and the first Palladian church in London. Today, St Giles continues to offer a place of sanctuary and spiritual refreshment to those who live, work and visit this diverse part of the City.
It costs £1,500 a week to keep our buildings open, clean and comfortable for visitors. The rising cost of energy means this figure is increasing every year. On top of this we need to raise funds to cover the cost of major repairs. In 2023, we invested £250,000 in the redecoration and refurbishment of our historic Vestry House and the redecoration of the west end of the nave of the church.
With your support we can keep our building open as a place of sanctuary in the City and maintain these historic buildings.
£1,500 per week to keep our buildings open, clean and comfortable for visitors.

Support our Presence in Service
Our linked ‘St Giles & St George’ charities, managed by an independent board of trustees, offer housing to single older women and make grants to individuals and organisations, including local schools, amounting to over £750,000 per year.
As well as being actively involved in supporting local people, we set aside over half the lettable hours of our buildings for use by good causes at no or minimal rent, including organisations such as Showerbox (pictured) and StreetStorage.
With your support we can cover the rising costs of providing space and facilities for charities supporting the homeless and those in need.
£200 per week to offer space and facilities to charities supporting those who are homeless and suffering the effects of addiction.
​St Giles has a long history of generous benefactors, including Queen Matilda, its founder, and Alice, Duchess Dudley. These gifts have been invaluable in making the Christian presence of St Giles possible.
If you would like to join them then you may like to consider leaving a gift in your will to benefit the work and mission of St Giles. You can contact the Parish Office for more information.
You can also find information about leaving legacies to the church on the Church of England’s Church Legacy website.