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Parish Events in November

Season of Remembrance

Worship in early November is set aside as a time for remembrance. At the twin festivals of All Saints and All Souls, we remember those who have gone before us into glory, both the saints of the church and our own loved ones.

On Sunday 3 November, 11am Choral Mattins will mark All Saints Day with thanksgiving and celebration for all those who have gone before us in faith. At 6.30pm, a special service of Holy Communion will mark All Souls, accompanied by the St Giles Choir singing extracts from the Michael Haydn Requiem.

On Sunday 10 November, we join with the nation to mark Remembrance Sunday. Please note that the morning service will commence earlier than normal in order that we can participate in the national Two Minute Silence.

St Giles & St George Book Club

This term the book club is reading Susan Hill's "In the Springtime of the Year". Everyone is very welcome to come along and participate. Meeting at St George's Bloomsbury Vestry House at 7pm on 13 November.

Parish Walk: City of London

Our next parish walk will take place on Saturday 16 November, when we will be exploring the sights and sounds of the City of London. These walks are a great opportunity to get some fresh air and to meet other members of the congregation in a relaxed environment. If you would like to come along, please click here to sign up.

We will meet at 10am outside St Giles. At the end of the walk we will stop at a local eatery, where there will be an opportunity to purchase lunch. You’ll need weather appropriate footwear, a tube fare and funds for a lunch (or bring a picnic). Dogs welcome.

Year for Prayer

At Evensong on Sunday 17th November we will welcome the Reverend Gordon Giles, Canon Chancellor of Rochester Cathedral, as the final guest speaker in our Year for Prayer. He will be speaking on the theme of Prayer and Artificial Intelligence, which promises to be highly topical.

Gordon is also on the Editorial Board of the New English Hymnal – in honour of which at Evensong we will sing three of our favourite hymns, nominated by you. Please let us know which hymn is your favourite and we will make a selection!

Time for Tea

The next monthly pre-Evensong gathering for tea, cake and good company will be on the afternoon of Sunday 24 November at 5.30pm. Do drop in before heading to Evensong for a chance to meet others in the congregation and choir. Anyone who has recently started coming to St Giles is especially welcome!

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