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St Giles Online

The Reverend Dr Alan Charles Berson

The following entry was seen recently in the book for prayers which sits at the west end of church, courtesy of ‘Michael’ from Guernsey. The names of past Rectors are painted on the board in the Vestry House and some of their portraits are on view in the north entrance area; and their deeds and even sayings are often to be found in past memorials and accounts. The names and fates of associate priests and curates, however, have not been so fortunate. So it is good for us to be reminded of the ministries of those whom history has overlooked and, in this case, of an evidently godly and faithful man, who served here in 1968, and died at the age of 86.


Please offer a prayer of thanks for the life and ministry of

Alan Charles Berson

priest, at one time Assistant Curate in this place.

A kind and generous man,

who asked for nothing for himself,

but fought for those in need,

spiritual or material.

He suffered much before his death in April 2017,

but his humour and memorable smile was still there till his final coma.

Thank you all.

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