The forty days of Eastertide are always a special time in the life of faith.
‘For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come,’ (The Song of Solomon, 2, 11 & 12).
* A word of explanation for the First Sunday giving this month (on the 5th) to Toilet Twinning might, I guess, be helpful! It’s a scheme run in conjunction with Tear Fund that comes with the catchy title, ‘Flushing away poverty, one toilet at a time.’ As we now have two new toilets of our own, we thought we would help someone else who also needs one.
* The theme of Stewardship (time, money, skills, gifts) will feature on Sunday, 19th of this month, as we have done in previous years.
* In country districts the days before Ascension Day have long been kept as Rogation days, from rogare, Latin, ‘to ask.’ A blessing is asked on the growing crops and the fattening cattle. Something agricultural, then, for the evening of 26th.
* And then, Ascension Day itself marked by a 1pm Communion Service on Thursday, 30th. If not with us, then do try elsewhere.